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At the Picasso museum.

At the Picasso museum.

Spent the morning at the Picasso Museum. It didn’t exist the last time I was in Paris. There was a focus on sculpture but there were still planting of paintings and works on paper. There was a wonderful wall of 24 etchings that were based on a painting of Lucas Cranch. It was fascinating to to see all the variations on the figures and faces while he still kept the basic composition. There was so much detail it was really overwhelming. Just to closely look at one of the pieces was exhausting. Here again constant, photo taking by the mobs and no one stopping to look for even a second. The smart phone/camera is a curse to art.

At the Picasso Museum.

At the Picasso Museum.

I felt guilty having Brian take my photo but I just had to have a souvenir of my visit.

Luxembourg Gardens.

Luxembourg Gardens.

Walked over to the Luxembourg gardens before heading back.

Recycling. All wine bottles.

Recycling. All wine bottles.

Very rare lamb with mushrooms and vegetables.

Very rare lamb with mushrooms and vegetables.

Again it was raining and we were both exhausted from the exhibits so we went to our respective abodes to nap and plan dinner. When I checked my Email I found a dinner suggestion from Kamal and Brinda from home. We managed to get a reservation. It was a little wine bar with outstanding food: Juveniles, 47, Rue de Richelieu – 75001, Paris. Just a ten minute walk away from out places. The food was wonderful and the wines, at their suggestions, were excellent. What a find!

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