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The Pompidou museum, the ugliest building in Paris.

The Pompidou museum, the ugliest building in Paris.

Spent my first full day in Paris at the Pompidou Museum. Has to be the ugliest building I’ve ever seen. The inside isn’t much better. The art is pretty good however. Some great Matisses including the “The blue interior with goldfish.” A treat to see some excellent Giacomettis. I’m stunned to watch the vast majority of visitors walk up or just past the great works snap a photo and walk off. They don’t even pause to look. Being in the presence of some of the greatest art in the world and all they take away is a poorly exposed photo they’ll never look at again or maybe bore their friends with on Facebook.

Many seem obsessed with documenting every work just as fast as they can. God help their friend who are forced to look at these photos.

10 foot Giacometti! It wobbled when people walked by.

10 foot Giacometti! It wobbled when people walked by.


Fabulous bust of Diego in the Pompidou museum.

Fabulous bust of Diego in the Pompidou museum.



Palace of Justice behind me. Right near Notre Dame.


No I don’t know who that guy is behind me. After listening to the bells I went inside and sat down for part of a Sunday service. The seating was packed and this is a big place. The tourists circled on the periphery mindlessly shooting photos in this very sacred space. There was an excellent set of diagrams, set up behind the alter, that document the process of building the place which began in the 1100’s. Constant improvements and changes continued thru the 19th century when they installed an organ.



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