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Can't quite make out the top thru the rain.

Can’t quite make out the top thru the rain.


Brian wanted to seen contemporary art but the place we headed was closed until 2pm. We  took the metro over to the left back to the modern art museum. A huge edifice with great spaces but most of the art was less than stellar. The one thing I really wanted to see was the Boltansky room which was closed for renovation. Once again they heard I was coming.  From the terrace of the restaurant there was a great view of the the seance and we found ourselves right across the river from the Eiffel Tower. The top was still shrouded in clouds but it was surreal to finally be in its presence. We walked down the hill to the river and crosse de over to go up to it. Mobbed, of course, even with the terrible weather but this is one thing that lives up to its hype. So terribly impressive and the design is just stunning. The scale even in this day and age is staggering. I can’t imagine what it felt like to the average person long before flight or sky scrapers.

Can finally see the top.

Can finally see the top.

The ball hanging in the middle is a promotion for soccer. The base was filled with tourists standing in line waiting to go up even with the top shrouded in fog. Lots of hucksters selling trinkets and hustling money. All of this could not take away from the experience of being so close to a world icon.

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