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Went for a 23,913 step walk today finding my way to Barcelona’s answer London’s gherkin.

Barcelona’s Gherkin

Right next to it was a new library building that I also enjoyed including a small exhibition devoted to utensils for cooking and eating.

Cooking and serving

Very lovely design and I took a few snaps in case i wanted to buy something when I get back home.

Serving dishes.

The day started out grey and finally begin a downpore that would not quit till the moment I finally found a shop selling umbrellas. When I walked out of the shop new purchase in hand – not a drop and not one word of thanks from the millions of tourists in the city. I should have gotten a medal.
I didn’t have much of an agenda so I just wandered took in modern Barcelona and I have to say while the buildings are individually nicely designed as a group make a pretty sterile part of the city. Nice boulevards with brand new trams but the place seems overscaled and empty. I stumbled into a park with an elaborate stainless steel tube sculpture threaded through the place.

Sterile Park

Again sterile and empty. Clean, with a big staff weeding and raking. Terrible art – again generic and empty.

This led me to the beach that was pretty empty because of the weather but still a great beach with countless cafes and restaurants. Walked back to my room along the water and had lunch along the way.

Pretty Lunch

After a rest I tried a restaurant my landlord suggested and had an incredible salad and a crispy fish taco.

Fermented Papaya salad.

Both were scrumptious. On the walk home I stopped to listed to opera arias sung by street musician. She was so good everyoneone even those not stopping to listen were respectful and quiet while she sand and gave here enthusiastic applause after every piece. There was a lot of coins in her hat. Well deserved.

Got up early and after a long coffee in front of the Barcelona Cathedral I took the subway and connected to a funicular up the mountain to the Miro Museum designed by Louis Sert who also did a lot of work in Boston. This building was certainly one of his best and completely devoted to work by Miro who I have to say; no matter how hard I try is just NOT my cup of tea. I did respond more to his sculpture which are given plenty of space in the building.

Miro and me

Most people just took photos of the works and so I’m assuming got even less from the experience than I did. Took the subway back to the edge of the old city and just wandered around vaguely aiming at my room. I stumbled upon the the Museum of Contemporary Art which is quite impressive but the exhibitions seemed so not me that I stayed outside and wandered some more.

Museum of Contemporary Art

Found a large courtyard filled with chairs tables and young people so I sat for a while and was inspired to draw a monumental staircase that spilled out into the space.

Monumental staircase

More wandering, coffee and drawing till I got back to my room and a rest. Only 8062 steps today. Dinner was as a bar suggest by my land lord which had good taps and and excellent beer.

Dinner and a beer

Today was an official beach day so after a trip to an excellent sporting goods store where I bought a cheap backpack and some hiking boots that actually fit me – YEA! – I packed up and walked to the beach. Perfect weather and the whole city seemed to be there with me. Just walked and walked, stopped for lunch and walked backed enjoying the people (girl) watching and the sunshine. The marina is packed with boats some of which are gigantic. All registered in the Cayman Islands so it goes without saying that all the taxes were paid!

Huuuuge sailboat, Taxes all paid.

There was a piece of public art that I liked – a first.

Beach art



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