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Moved to another B and B today. The last place was fine but there was construction going on day and night and I got sick of sleeping with earplugs. The new place is brighter and about 100 meters from my old place. Same neighborhood, very old, but for the life of me I can’t ever seem to get my bearings! Without Google maps I’d be still be walking in circles. Even with the App I take the wrong direction virtually 100% of the time. Good thing I’m not in a hurry.

Did a load of laundry and then went for breakfast trying to guess where I should go after Barcelona. I’m guessing south to Valencia. It’s an easy train ride with lots of interesting architecture and beaches. Still haven’t ventured to the water.
After Breakfast I walked over to the Palau Güell, ANOTHER, Gaudi masterpiece.

Palau Guell, One of Gaudi’ earliest commissions.

Commissioned by the family that commissioned the park I visited yesterday. It’s a palace but on a plot of only 500 sq. meters. But oh what a nice use of space. The detailing is magnificent with a great central hall that is about three time higher than it is wide that includes a built in chapel that sit behind some large doors so the room can be used for multiple purposes including concerts.

The Great Central Hall looking toward the chapel

The Great Central Hall looking from the Chapel.

It has a built in organ that at one time had the tallest pipes in the world. Just as I entered the hall the organ began to play I couldn’t see a musician but the guard assured me that the organ was playing and it wasn’t a recording. I recorded some but can’t figure out how to upload it to this blog. Gaudi uses wrought iron, stone, and wood like no one else and, with a virtually unlimited budget, put all these materials to very good use. What a mind!

Look at that ceiling

The roof has more of the chimney tops like I saw on La Pedrera.

Can’t believe this place is real. Feels like fairy land.

You can’t even see these from the street. Mostly for the family and for God.

One of twelve chimneys on the roof of the Palau Güell.

Everything has been restored to pristine condition. For once I visit a place that is NOT wrapped in scaffolding and closed until 2020 for refurbishment! Last year half of what I wanted to see in Berlin was closed. This year I get my reward.
After a few hours in the palace I wandered over to the Mercator de la Boqueria which was not a jammed as it was last Sunday. I spent lots of time admiring the meat: Rib roasts: 75 Euros/KG and Serrano Ham at 200 Euros/KG.

Late Lunch at the Mercator de la Boqueria.

Grilled seafood at the counter. The baby squid were the best.

Found a seafood counter that had a stool open up just as I walked by; so how could I say no? Had a plate of mixed grill and a beer. And then a coffee in the Placa Reial. What a nice day.

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