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Botanical gardens glass house.

Botanical gardens glass house.

Took the subway to Norgaard station and then walked through the botanical gardens to the National Museum. The gardens were beautiful and immaculately maintained. Everything labeled with the Latin and Danish name. My plant materials memory was jogged back into place. The glass house was more beautiful on the outside but still had a nice collection inside.

Statue in the botanical garden. Note her gaze!

Statue in the botanical garden. Note her gaze! How did that red stuff get there?

The statue above would never make it into a public garden in the states. She wasn’t even trying to avert her gaze. Shameless !

National Museum.

National Museum.

Got to the Museum just a few minutes before it opened. When it did I was delighted to find that it was free! Tho starting June 1st they are starting to charge admission. They had an outstanding Matisse collection, including a portrait of Madame Matisse that I last saw in 1977. It seemed smaller than I remembered but still a real masterpiece.

Matisse I waited 35 years to see again. It didn't disappoint.

Matisse I waited 35 years to see again. It didn’t disappoint.

That green line down her face was amazing. The collection was donated by a collector who bought them directly from the artist at the beginning of the 20th century way before he was famous. Maybe 20 canvases, all masterpieces. The rest of the museum was a survey including an excellent Montagna. They had added a beautiful new wing for contemporary Danish work. Gorgeous spaces, but except for some nice Asker Jorns, mostly second rate work. Had a nice lunch in the cafe.

Lunch at the national museum.

Lunch at the national museum.

Just wandered around after. Past the Royal Palace. Ending up on the walking street which was packed. I had a great cup of coffee at the museum in a beautiful mug that fit my hand perfectly. The girl at the museum shop sent me to the Royal Copenhagan shop where I checked them out. I will order online when I get home.

Best cup of coffee ever, I'm sure because of the cup.

Best cup of coffee ever, I’m sure because of the cup.

Went looking for a nice restaurant suggested by Yelp only to find it closed till next month. A gallery owner next door directed me to this restaurant where I ended up sitting for two and a half hours just watching the world go by and listing to the street musician.

Another excellent dinner. Roast chicken over purred potatoes and veggies.

Another excellent dinner. Roast chicken over pureed potatoes and veggies.

What a nice end to a nice day.

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