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Arrived on the train from Berlin Sunday evening and made my way to my BandB. I was met by Tine and Uffe who were charming, look like movie stars and have a lovely place. Lots of room and a balcony that overlooks the Carlsburg campus. The showed me around the apt. and then led me to their favorite kabob shop (the only thing open). I was out just as soon as I finished my middle eastern burrito.

The balcony on the third floor was where I always ate lunch the summer of 1977. There was a porno marquee just below it.

The balcony on the third floor was where I always ate lunch the summer of 1977. There was a porno marquee just below it.

Monday morning made my way to the walking street to remember old haunts. Spent many noon times sitting on the balcony back in the day. Walked up and down this shopping street that was surprisingly quiet until I found out it was a national holiday and so most things not focused on tourists were closed. Still it was lovely finding places I remember including a shopping arcade (Jorks Passage) I used to walk thru every day on my way to class. Sat in a cafe to enjoy the brief moments of sun (T-shirt weather like Berlin is only a memory) and a coffee. Everywhere the coffee is great! Then strolled down to Nyhavn (pronounced NU Han). On the way enjoyed some of the towers Kobenhavn is famous for.

Tower in Kobenhavn.

Tower in Kobenhavn.

Another tower in Kobenhavn.

Another tower in Kobenhavn.

Then decided to treat myself to a lunch with a great view.

Nyhavn, had lunch in front of one of those buildings.

Nyhavn, had lunch in front of one of those buildings.

Lunch in Nyhavn.

Lunch in Nyhavn.

Spent a couple of hours enjoying this feast of Danish Smorbrod. And watching the people walk by along the canal. Then another few hours just strolling around taking in the sites.

Public art in front of the parliament building.

Public art in front of the parliament building.

The opera house.

The opera house.

Ended up back at the beginning of the walking street at Radhusplassan (sp?) town hall square before headfing home after lots of walking. The city is a joy magnificent public spaces. Everything is spotless and well orgainized with the best public transsportation in the world. EVERYONE has  a bike and all the roads have dedicated bikelanes cowdede with bikes and no one wears a helmut. The only thing that is a problem is there are bikes parked everywhere and its not pretty uglier than car parks. But most get around on bikes rain or shine and the rest of us take the subway which does its best to accomidate bikes.

Bike racks on the morning subway car. They also have free wifi and plugs to charge your phone. Also cloth covered padded seats!

Bike racks on the morning subway car. They also have free wifi and plugs to charge your phone. Also cloth covered padded seats!

Charlie Baker read this and take notes! Pay taxes and get amenities. Also the cars are so quiet you can whisper a conversation and there a cars that forbid talking on cell phones tho, just like home, everyone is staring at their phone.



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