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Three periods in one photo

Three periods in one photo

Continuing my museum stretch. After a leaserly breakfast spent four hours perusing the Neues museum with breaks in the cafe for recharching coffee. The Neus is all Greek and Roman. Great collection but sadly lacking in text to explain the exhibits. They do give you excellent audio guides but they only cover the highlights. Come on curators, you can do better. Had nice chat with Maria via FaceTime to have her upload some files so I can apply for a project in Cambridge. I do love technology. Spent the rest of the day wandering. Had a lovely evening having dinner with Jennifer. She is a documentary film maker doing a residency in Berlin. We ate at a Turkish fish restaurant. The food was amazing, fresh grilled fish. Wish I had photos but the conversation was so captivating that I just forgot. I also took a boat tour on the spree. Very touristy but then again I’m a tourist.

My favorite philosopher Epicurous.

My favorite philosopher Epicurous.

May 12th was the more of the same another nice breakfast outside along the Spree and then on to the Altes Museum. A great Egyptian collection. The highlight was the head of Nefrititi. Perfectly preserved including paint. No pictures allowed since some guys produced a 3D model based on photos taken a few moths ago. So, I had to buy a postcard.

Stunning Egyptian head 4400 years old!

Stunning Egyptian head 4400 years old!

Not as good looking as Nefititi but what a stunning piece of sculpture. I think the damage gives it a modern look.

Spent the afternoon wandering a district filled with galleries and trendy shops. Saw an excellent Cindy Sherman show.

That is a real question.

That is a real question.

Had a great dinner around the corner from my B and B. This time I remembered to take a photo.

Dinner around the corner from my B and B

Dinner around the corner from my B and B

Including “Grandmas’ meatballs”

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