The lawn below the National Gallery

Excellent Rembrandt exhibition at the Scottish national gallery.

Superb works with a few very high quality fakes. Too many masterpieces to count with one self portrait that was breathtaking and a portrait of a young girl that use to sit in the front window of his studio that passerby thought was a real girl. 

1:30 pm Brexit.  Political, of course, but showed the impossibility of both sides of the argument and the impossibility of coming to a solution. Excellent but in a venue with no air.  

3:20 Angry Alan. A one dimensional polemic with an ending that needn’t have been. One man show with authentic internet videos.

5:00pm A very Brexit Musical. Terrible with a useless sound system.

8:55pm Trump the Musical. Mostly forgetable except for the woman who played Putin. Written like it was composed over drinks in a bar..Walked home and then down to princes street with Ann to the sir Walter Scott monument just in time to see fireworks over the castle. Lovely warm evening.

Ann and Sir Walter Scott.

What a fun day: 15,644 steps! What does it mean? A day that began with Rembrandt and ended with Trump.