Excellent Rembrandt exhibition at the Scottish national gallery.
Superb works with a few very high quality fakes. Too many masterpieces to count with one self portrait that was breathtaking and a portrait of a young girl that use to sit in the front window of his studio that passerby thought was a real girl.
1:30 pm Brexit. Political, of course, but showed the impossibility of both sides of the argument and the impossibility of coming to a solution. Excellent but in a venue with no air.
3:20 Angry Alan. A one dimensional polemic with an ending that needn’t have been. One man show with authentic internet videos.
5:00pm A very Brexit Musical. Terrible with a useless sound system.
8:55pm Trump the Musical. Mostly forgetable except for the woman who played Putin. Written like it was composed over drinks in a bar..Walked home and then down to princes street with Ann to the sir Walter Scott monument just in time to see fireworks over the castle. Lovely warm evening.
What a fun day: 15,644 steps! What does it mean? A day that began with Rembrandt and ended with Trump.
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