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That's the Van Gogh museum in the background with a Richard Serra appearing, but not, holding up the Stedelijk.

That’s the Van Gogh museum in the background with a Richard Serra appearing, but not, holding up the Stedelijk.

Today was all Van Gogh. Got there just as it opened and skipped the early work on the first two floors so I could see the later work in piece before the mobs got to it. Had it all to myself for about an hours and a half. So much good work, almost too much. In fact when I finally left about 1:30 I was so wrung out that I had to go back to my room and lay down for a few hours just to recover. One of his last, if not the last, painting was a picture of tree roots that was a close to pure abstraction you could get. Just pure color and shapes. In fact without a title you would have a hard time even knowing what it was. I would include a photo but the museum forbid photography. I don’t know what the rest of the visitors did. They were. Forced to actually look at the work instead of photograph it. I only wish all the other museums did the same.

what a wonderful experience!

Park outside of the Stedelijk

Park outside of the Stedelijk

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